Immersing your speakers in Jugo is simple. There is no need for a physical green screen and with these practices, your host, speakers and attendees will have an unforgettable experience.
Things to consider for anyone going behind the host desk
Putting a host/ speaker behind the desk
How to change the change the host behind the desk
Things to consider for anyone going behind the host desk
- Set up even lighting. The lighting in a location can vary and cast shadows. Try to have the lighting in the room as even as possible
- Try not to wear anything too shiny or tight patterns, as this can make the feed distorted
- Be aware of the color of the backdrop and what the host is wearing - if the colors are too similar, it can be harder for the Virtual Green Screen (VGS) to clearly detect the host
- Camera angle - make sure the host's camera is capturing their face and torso, so they appear sat behind the desk. They may need to sit a bit further back from the camera, raise their seat and have the camera angled slightly down. You don't want a floating head on the desk
Putting a host/ speaker behind the desk
Once in Director View
Go to Desk Speaker and select Set Up Speakers
Select + Add GS Speaker
- Choose your host/ speaker from the list and click Select by their name. Note: They must have their camera on in order to be placed behind the desk.
- Using the Stage Preview box, review the position of the host and ask them to reposition if necessary
- Move further back
- Raise seat
- Tilt camera down/ Raise camera higher
- When happy with the image, select Go Live
You can also chose to crop or scale the host behind the desk. To do this, click on the
If a host has a physical green screen that they would prefer to use, click on SWITCH TO GREEN SCREEN. Click here for a guide on how to key in a host using a physical green screen.
How to change the host behind the desk
- Go back to Set Up Speakers and select the remove button next to the current Host
- Repeat the same steps as above from +Add GS Speaker
Standing View
You can choose to remove the desk and have your host standing in the middle of Jugo - your attendees will see the host in full length in the auditorium
enough space around the host to be able to stand back
To turn on Standing View, click on Desk Speakers -> Set Up Speakers
Then toggle on Standing View
Use the preview section to check the placement of the host and advise them to move back/forwards/ adjust camera angle where necessary.
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