You will get a good indication of whether you can join a Jugo meeting by testing your network and device here -
Typical reasons you may fail the test are below:
Your device is currently connecting through a company VPN connection. VPNs don't always support video calls outside of any pre-approved apps your company may be using.
If possible, disconnect from the VPN when joining the Jugo Demo. If you can connect to a work or home network without the VPN connected, then try the test link again -
If you are connecting through a secure restricted network, this can also affect your ability to join ad hoc video calls
If you can connect through an alternative connection such as a home, guest, or 4g connection on your phone then test again here to see if that resolves the issue
I've joined the meeting, but the Audio and Video quality is poor, and the view of the meeting/event is pixelated.
Typically, this will be down to a poor internet connection, often this will be a Wi-Fi connection that is low bandwidth or inconsistent quality. Try the following options to rectify
- Make sure you are disconnected from your VPN
- Can you try a different network connection?
- Can you try moving around your location to see if that improves the Wi-Fi signal
- Can you connect through your 4G or 5G hotspot from your phone?
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