As a director, you can manage what camera views are seen by the attendees. All of this can be controlled from your director view panel.
Learn more about the different camera angle options
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Camera Angle Options
A great starting angle once your call has started. Your host can be seen ready to greet your attendees and run through the order of the day. You also get to see some of the audience. You can personalize the image shown on the screen behind - whether this be a holding slide or a branding image.
Left view of the auditorium, set a bit back with this view you can see some of the audience as well as the Host and screen.
Right view of the auditorium, set a bit back with this view you can see some of the audience as well as the Host and screen. Use when the host is talking but there is also content on the screen - by having at an angle, the host is not blocking the screen.
This view is particularly effective if you have speakers up on the screen -the host can turn and look as if interacting with the speakers on the screen.
Zoom in and focus on the main screen. Ideal for sharing a presentation or other content, you can also bring up to 3 speakers onto the screen alongside the content.
During a Q&A - you could choose to bring up the attendee asking the question.
Great for closing your meeting, pan out and show the entire auditorium.
The camera angles are there for you to get the best out of your meeting and we recommend that you move between the different options for maximum engagement.
Camera Angle Controls
There are two ways to control the camera angles during your meeting - via the Live Camera buttons or via the Preview section in the top left of the screen.
Live Camera
These buttons will instantly change the camera angle - great for when you need to react quickly. Select your desired camera angle and watch as the screen transitions to your requested layout.
Preview Section
Another option is to use the preview section in the top-left to queue up your next camera angle.
Go to Select Camera and click on your angle of choice
Then add the required content and/or speakers, if necessary, before clicking Cut or Transition to move the content into the Live view.
Cut - will jump instantly to your queued up camera angle/ content
Transition - will smoothly pan to the queued up camera angle/ content
Note: if the transition does not work, please ensure you have a Camera angle selected
If you wish to copy the current camera angles and content that is already live but make a few changes, like change a speaker, then you can click Copy Live to apply the current settings into your preview section and then make your changes.
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